
Snowing, cold, snow, cold…

Day 2 of the MIT-EDP program has been crazy. Breakfast at 7:00am, classes from 9:00am until 7:00pm, with a lunch break that was actually a lecture too, and two 15 minute breaks in which we were suppose to sign up for company visits, pick up material, etc…

But it was worth it: William Aulet, and Fiona Murray are excellent lecturers with obviously a lot of experience. It was fun, engaging (some interesting discussions in class) and also very informative.

Then, as if all that was not enough, we had to work on an 8 people team project (a made up company for which we have to start from scratch). And of course, I had to check work email, tweet (#MITEDP) and now blog about it, even though they have a “no open laptops” policy (really?, at MIT?, with an open wifi? c`mon!!).

My biggest complain is one thats inherent to this institution, and to this country/system, and since I knew about it before I came, I cant complain about it: the reductionist hyper-focus, the “exit/monetizing” mentality, the seeking of scarcity (even artificial or monopolistic one) or “protection”. Perhaps it creates (money) rich people, but the debate should go much further than that, yet after working out at the hotel gym, and team homework, it`s past midnight and I have to get some sleep. Zzzz