I have spent the last two days in Boston for work. I know the city from my time as an MIT and Harvard student, and previous business trips. But unfortunately, the schedule was so tight, that this time I did not have a minute to enjoy Boston’s museums or other attractions. But that does not mean that I did not enjoy it.

I stayed at the great Park Plaza Hotel, where they gave me a VIP treatment thanks to my wonderful travel agent @Cruise_Curator

I liked the style and overall vibe of the hotel. But above all, I loved the breakfast buffet. Not a large selection, but it is the first time that I have had lobster scrambled eggs, cheese blintzes, and the most perfect berries for breakfast in a hotel.

The only “leisure” moment in the whole trip was a walk through the Boston Common park with my friend John and enjoying a surprisingly fresh and delicious seafood dinner at the gigantic Legal Seafoods Park Square.