April 5th, we spent the day at the espectacular MONA (Museum of Old and New Art) in Tasmania (Australia).

You have to drop anything you’re doing right now, and go read about MONA: a fascinating museum with a fascinating back-story.

Te simplified version goes something like: savant mathematician makes millions gambling and decides to collect art and open a museum. But there’s so much more to David Welsh and MONA that my wife bought me his book for my birthday (thank you, sweetheart!).

Everything was right: the architecture, the graphic design, the interior design, the app and brilliant commentary, the ferry that takes you there, the art collection and curation… Rarely I see something that in my egotistical arrogance and ignorance I don’t say “I could have done it better myself (if I had the time, money, or whatever other excuse)”. This is one of those rare occasions. Absolutely worthwhile hopping on a plane and flying all day to see it. IM(stupid)HO.