Thursday and Friday I was in Boston, for a business meeting, some art, and to give a talk at MIT.

I arrived Wednesday night from Vancouver, and went straight to sleep. MIT, who was paying for the trip, was gracious enough to get me a suite at the very conveniently located Boston Marriott Cambridge.

My morning meeting on Thursday with IBM Watson Health, after a business breakfast meeting with a colleague, went well and ended early enough that I had some extra time.

First, I went straight to the Coop, next to my hotel, to browse through some interesting books (it’s always a joy when you personally know some of the authors), and enjoyed some art. Unfortunately most of the MIT List Visual Arts Center exhibition space was closed in preparation for the next exhibition. But I did visit the underwhelming List Projects 20: Becca Albee exhibition.

After that I had dinner at the very interesting vegetarian restaurant Clover Food Lab KND.

On Friday, after a conference call with Chile, I headed straight to the MIT Media Lab, where I gave my talk to the EDP2020 students, and had lunch with legends Bill Aulet, Peter Hirst, and Ed Roberts.

Photos here.