After the cruise, we decided to go with the little one to visit my parents in Paris.

On Tuesday 17th we flew to Orly, and took a taxi to my parent’s Saint-Mandé apartment, in the 12th arrondissement of Paris, next to the magnificent Bois de Vincennes. We met them, had dinner at the nearby Fraternité, and went to sleep.

Photos here

The next day we boarded the RER with a mission: spend the whole day at Disneyland Park and Walt Disney Studios Park with the little one. Since I’ve been to the Orlando parks several times, these did not impress me the least bit. As a matter of fact, it was a definitely underwhelming experience. But my daughter’s smile made it all absolutely worthwhile.

The parks, like the rest of Paris, required a “health pass” (proof of vaccination or negative covid test, with QR), mask wearing, and social distancing.

Photos here

Thursday was a more Parisian day. We started the day by going to the Eiffel Tower. Then we took a Bateaux for a Seine river short cruise, which allowed for some good picture opportunities (Alexander III bridge, Notre-Dame cathedral being rebuilt, Musée d’Orsay, etc). After that we had escargots at Le Saint Séverin, and took a long stroll through the Latin Quarter (mainly Saint-Michel and Saint-Germain-des-Prés).

Photos here

Friday morning we went to La Défense, then to the Arc de Triomphe, walking down the Champs-Élysées wondering how is it possible that Louis Vuitton had such a long line and marveling at the Japanese vlogers with their three puppies in a stroller, and had lunch at the Galeries Lafayette Champs-Élysées cool food court.

After lunch we walked to the Petit Palais, then Place de la Concorde, and back to Vincennes to have oysters for dinner at Chez Comus, in front of the Château de Vincennes.

Photos here

Saturday was our last day, and we decided to make it “museum day”. First we went to the Pompidou Centre – National Museum of Modern Art. Then to the brand new Bourse de Commerce – Pinault Collection of contemporary art, with some questionable choices, but also amazing pieces, like the David Hammons exhibition, or the tongue-in-cheek piece by Maurizio Cattelan (what? you missed the stuffed pigeons at the very top? ha!). Then, after resting a bit in front of the imposing Église Saint-Eustache, we had lobster for lunch at Au Pied de Cochon.

Of course, a day like that had to end at The Louvre, walking down the Tuileries Garden admiring the sculptures, and taking the subway at the Hôtel de Ville to go back to the apartment, pick up the suitcases, and take an Uber to the airport.

Photos here

Paris, nous reviendrons bientôt, but next time without kids ;-)