On May 11th I was invited to judge Demo Day at MIT, and later I attended a workshop on generative AI and case method teaching at Harvard Business School.

I was invited, alongside a number of partners at venture capital firms, executives at companies like Intel, and MIT professors, to evaluate the 14 student teams from the ‘MAS.664 AI and Web3 for Impact: Venture Studio’ class demo day.

It was a great experience, getting to meet all those brilliant students (some of which were my students at Harvard too) and see their innovations in action.

In the evening, I attended the ‘Generative AI and Case Method Teaching’ workshop at Harvard Business School (Aldrich 108 room) by Professor Karim Lakhani. It was fascinating to see HBS professors prepare for the tectonic change that generative AI means for the classic case method of teaching. All those brilliant minds in the room brainstorming to stay ahead of rapid changes, analyzing, testing, and coming up with a plan for next semester. Amazing!

Here are some photos of the events.