How many times have you tried to access online media that was not available in your country? How many times have you gotten frustrated with proxy services? How many times have you wished there was an easy way to wirelessly display online content on your TV without paying for expensive privative boxes? Enter + Chromecast Hola is a free browser extension used by 14 million people to access geographically restricted online media.

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On July 25 I was asked by someone at IBM to write an article about the use of the cloud in healthcare: I’d like to offer you the opportunity to author an article which we would look to promote across all of our social properties, other external communications as well as our paid media sponsorships, i.e. blogs. I was given suggestions on article length, topic, and keywords, but freedom to write whatever I wanted.

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We got great gifts for our wedding, but hands down, the best (ever!) is A ROBOT. My mother-in-law got us a robot. Got that? How cool is that!? And it is not to make her daughter’s life easier, because I am the one who vacuums at home. She did it because it is cool. Heck yeah it is! So the Roomba is nothing new. It has been around for a decade already.

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According to Spanish law web (emphasis mine): Information intermediary suppliers: Do not have an obligation to supervise the contents they host, transmit, or classify in a link directory, but must collaborate with public authorities when required to interrupt an IT service or take a content down. They are not, in principle, responsible for alien content they host, transmit, or give access to, but could incur in responsibility if they take an active participation in its ellaboration or, if knowing of a particular material being being illegal, do not act swiftly to take it down or prevent access to it.

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A few hours after the first email, I received this second one with a threat (again, translated by me; here is the original): Mr. Cortell: I can prove my identity and the defamatory content of the indicated page, as I said it has been notarized. I can also prove that this site is currently the subject of proceedings in the Courts of Barcelona, in which the prosecution has already ruled, appreciating criminal evidence.

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Today I received this email (it was in Spanish, I have translated it into English because that is the main language of this blog, and in order to give this issue the international coverage that it deserves – sorry for any translation mistake since I am not a lawyer and he writes like an old-fashioned one trying to sound intimidating; here is the original): Mr. Cortell: Currently I am suing Greg Prévôt in the Courts of Barcelona, author of a defamatory site which infringes upon my honor, whose link appears in which you administer, at the following address:

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I started my 4th of July “celebrations” one day early, by visiting the Declaration of Independence & Bill of Rights, handwritten by Thomas Jefferson, exhibited for the first time together, at the NYPL. Then, today (4th of July) I went to a protest to demand the restoration of the Fourth Amendment: [mudslide:picasa,0,111219615350942087056,5896836194188971633] “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated…”

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Jorge Cortell

My blog in English

Senior Advisor, Health and Life Sciences at Harvard University Innovation Laboratories - Advisor at NLC

Cambridge, MA (USA)