Most people I know would not consider protein structure analysis of mutations causing inheritable diseases “spare time fun”. Then again, most people I know don`t think I am like most people they know. This week I`m a “single-dad”, since my wife is traveling. So my spare time right now is almost non existent. Nevertheless, the thought of mutating a Proline into a Glycine at position 22 intrigued me, so I spent a few minutes simulating it.

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Yesterday I visited the Design Museum (“The world`s leading museum devoted to contemporary design in every form from architecture and fashion to graphics, product and industrial design”) in its spectacular new location on High Street Kensington (London), with my son. The #newdesignmuseum opened its doors in its new location only 5 days ago. The building and renovation are great, and in a nice location: on the edge of Holland Park, with the added bonus of being near the Kyoto Garden, Muji, and not far from the Serpentine Gallery.

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Adam Gilfix, Brian de Luna, and Luke Heine, with the help of, have created a very interesting data visualization tool for Venture Capital (VC) flows. I know for a fact and from experience that VC activity in places like Silicon Valley, NY, Boston, or London is big. But even when I go back home (Valencia – Spain) for the holidays, there are all kinds of “VC” events, news, meetings, spaces… which, given the conservative and provincial nature of the “Valencian Investors” I have met, surprises me.

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From Sunday 20 to Wednesday 23 November I have been in Asunción (Paraguay) for several business meetings. Regardless of the very interesting business projects and meetings at the highest level ( in a single day I met with three “Secretaries” or “Ministers”: Industry and Commerce, Technology, and Health), it was a pleasure to know one of the few countries that I had yet to visit in South America. Now I only have Bolivia left.

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Right after I returned from Germany, and before departing for Paraguay, I was invited to speak at the GIANT Health event (the “global innovation and new technology health event), health in The Coronet, London. The event run for 3 days, November 16-18, with 3 parallel tracks, and it included over 200 speakers. I spoke November 18, in the main auditorium. There was an exhibition area, with several companies and organizations showing their innovations and technologies.

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Last week I spent 3 days in Düsseldorf, attending the Medica trade show. But I do not want to bore you with that. I`d rather tell you what I did after the trade show closed every day. Since Düsseldorf is a city that I know well, I decided to concentrate in its museums and art galleries. I could not have picked a more perfect time! At the Kunsthalle I attended the excellent exhibition titled “Wool and water”, wi­th: Li­li Du­jou­rie, Isa Genz­ken, As­trid Klein, Mi­scha Ku­ball, Aron Meh­zi­on, Rein­hard Mu­cha, Stur­te­vant, Ro­se­ma­rie Tro­ckel, and Ger­hard Rich­ter; cu­ra­ted by Gre­gor Jan­sen.

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A few days ago I was invited to participate in a Healthcare Innovation workshop at PA Consulting in London. Beyond the cute venue, and spectacular list of attendees from the healthcare, industry, and political spaces (“Don’t waste time talking to someone with ‘Lord’ in his title, they are not there to really work”, one of my colleagues advises me), what impressed me was the extremely well organized, choreographed, and disciplined approach to innovation they had.

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Jorge Cortell

My blog in English

Senior Advisor, Health and Life Sciences at Harvard University Innovation Laboratories - Advisor at NLC

Cambridge, MA (USA)