On September 28, 2011, Hou Hanru, Director of Exhibitions and Public Programs at the San Francisco Art Institute said on a lecture (Curator`s Perspective) in New York: I think the worst exhibition in the world is the exhibition that is organized like a book. We see this a lot, an exhibition that takes the artwork as an illustration of a concept. I think an exhibition is not necessary for this: frankly, it`s too expensive.

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From the #thisIsHowItsDone (not the movie adaptations, but special events to make people go more to the movie theaters) department, here is an awesome initiative from AMC movie theaters: Get ready to watch the greatest Marvel movie event ever held at your local AMC Theatre on May 3rd! Experience THE ULTIMATE MARVEL MARATHON with six movies on one epic day. Watch the heroes’ stories unfold as they assemble for the midnight premiere of The Avengers 3D!

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Tonight I went and see Tatsumi at the MoMA Film (Theater 2), a 2011 animation film from Singapore, directed by Eric Khoo, with the voice of Yoshihiro Tatsumi (who brought innovation to Japanese comics through works of social commentary aimed at an adult audience in postwar Japan in the late 1950s). A Drifting Life, Tatsumi’s epic graphic novel memoir, forms the foundation for the film. Interesting the unavoidable paralel one can draw between Italys neorealism postwar cinema and Tatsumis works.

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This morning I have been at the MET. First I took advantage of the invitation to preview the Dawn of Egyptian Art exhibition which will be on display April 10–August 5, 2012. While there were many remarkable pieces (for several reasons) in the exhibition, this coyote figure completely captivated me. The legs position denote movement, which is uncommon in animal depictions of the later eras. The reason being that as art evolved, and became "institutionalized" in Ancient Egypt, it adhered more closely to standards and canons, loosing some if the earlier works creativity and freedom, such as this one.

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While I am preparing a loooooong post about technology and privacy (with a provocative twist, for a change 😈 ), I have decided to play with face.com‘s face recognition technology. What do you think? On target (hint: no, not on target, I am not THAT old, and definitely I AM a male)? Scary (hint: only if we are unaware of these technologies and their uses)?…

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Jorge Cortell

My blog in English

Senior Advisor, Health and Life Sciences at Harvard University Innovation Laboratories - Advisor at NLC

Cambridge, MA (USA)