Technology is getting easier to use everyday. Take GNU/Linux distributions as an example: anyone can make their own. Does that mean everyone should make their own? Why not? But then, again, we end up with things like Ubuntu Satanic (and their Ubuntu SE 666.10 “Necrophiliac Neuromancer”), Hannah Montana Linux (how far would you go to attract kids to free software?), or Red Star OS (free software for North Korea and non-free browsing?

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After posting graphs and cold data (quite ilustrative, I believe), and the discussion it has generated (people, why don`t you use the “comment” instead all the other unstructured methods you are using?), please let me write a caveat about graphs and cold data. In my high-tech gym, you have the option to have a lot of data collected, for your own, private and personal use. It seems like a great idea at first.

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Government debt does not explain it all: Unemployment is, indeed, quite inapelable: And minimum wage: So, perhaps, taking all those (and the last “devastating evidence” one) graphs into account, French and German governments have tricked, via manipulative markets and rating agencies, ignorant technocrat Spain`s PP government into cutting social spending (like education and health, which in turn becomes productivity, and minimum wage and job stability, which promotes spending and growth) so we go deeper into the hole, and they take advantage of our excellent engineers at a low rate, while speculating with debt and making sure Spain does not become a strong competitor…

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In Spain, the conservative PP government is planning to make “passive resistance” a crime (as well as organizing demonstrations using internet technologies). I have these 4 criminals` magnetic puppets on my fridge. 2 were outlawed (and had to flee) by German Nazis. 1 had to flee Spanish dictatorship because he was a Communist. And the other one was thrown in jail by British occupation forces for “passive resistance”. I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet.

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On September 28, 2011, Hou Hanru, Director of Exhibitions and Public Programs at the San Francisco Art Institute said on a lecture (Curator`s Perspective) in New York: I think the worst exhibition in the world is the exhibition that is organized like a book. We see this a lot, an exhibition that takes the artwork as an illustration of a concept. I think an exhibition is not necessary for this: frankly, it`s too expensive.

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There is a lot of debate and analysis on why is the US healthcare system so freakingly expensive (basic answer: greedy inhuman and short sighted powerful economic interest added to puppet politicians and sheepish voters). Here is one real life example: a friend in Atlanta told me that he went to the hospital ER after feeling intense chest pain. He knew it was most likely a strong episode of acid reflux (he had been suffering from that for some time), but it was so severe, he got scared and wanted to check.

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Jorge Cortell

My blog in English

Senior Advisor, Health and Life Sciences at Harvard University Innovation Laboratories - Advisor at NLC

Cambridge, MA (USA)