As it will be evident, I have changed my blog.

Not for a matter of style, but for two technical reasons:

  1. My previous blog was based on WordPress, a CMS (Content Management System) that generated the blog from a database. That made the management of the data much more cumbersome and non-transparent than I like
  2. The performance and security of a blog based on database is VERY inferior compared to one like the one that I have set up (this one), based on a “Static Generator”

To get an idea, the previous blog got a 38/100 in performance tests, and this one gets a 99/100:

  • Start time goes from 428ms to 21ms
  • Loading time goes from 741ms to 21ms
  • Now it has HTTPS, HTTP2 and a SSL certificate

In addition, it is now hosted on a Content Delivery Network (CDN) and loads faster worldwide.

Of course I have not done it only for my own blog (I do not even look at how many people read it), but for learning, and for testing alternatives for my company’s sites.

So after messing with Jekyll, GitHub pages, Nikola, Octopress, and several other alternatives, I’ve chosen Hugo with Gulp, Webpack, and Netlify, keeping the contents in text format (markdown) files under the GitHub versioning system.

By the way, migrating thousands of posts from my previous blog has been a matter of minutes, with only a small error in a single line.

