When Émile Durkheim wrote on the concept of anomie (expanding on Jean-Marie Guyau`s work) in his 1897 book Suicide, he spoke of one end of anomie: a society with too much rigidity and little individual discretion causing a destructive mismatch (moral deregulation and an absence of legitimate aspirations). This is happening in the XXI century world, in many countries: those totalitarian (military or religious) societies where the social rule, expectations, and repression conform a cage around individuals, deposessing them of their individuality, their aspirations, subtly (or otherwise) imposing a social corset where the individual can not be itself, concentrating only on breathing, surviving.

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As I walk towards my office, I see an ad that makes me sick (as a matter of fact, I see many, but this one points to something other that the consumerism-sexism-excess that we are so dangerously getting used to). The ad says “Turn now into memories”. How wrong is that?!! Now is now. Now has to be now. Now should be now. Now has to remain now. When you strive to “turn now into memories”, you are missing out on the real now.

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Yesterday, along a MeetUp group, we visited several art galleries in Chelsea (NY): Mike Weiss Gallery, Gladstone Gallery, Luhring Augustine Gallery, Metro Pictures Gallery, The Pace Gallery, and Mary Boone Gallery. Leaving my personal comments on the displayed works aside (as usual, the pleasure of this kind of pilgrimage is to leave your mind and senses open, and let the works and stimuli slowly sink in), one thing surprised me quite a lot: Ai Wei Wei‘s work Sunflower Seeds was supposed to be walked on (at least it did at the Tate Modern in London, for the first 10 days of the exhibit), but at Mary Boone Gallery there is a security guard that prevents visitors from doing exactly what the artist intended.

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AccuWeather has an interesting system called RealFeel. For example, today is 22ºF, but when you step outside, you cant help scream "Shit, its cold!". Accourding to the AccuWeathers RealFeel system (which I assume <a title="https://www.experts123.com/q/how-does-the-patented-accuweather-realfeel-temperature-work.html" href="https://www.experts123.com/q/how-does-the-patented-accuweather-realfeel-temperature-work.html" target="_blank">takes into account more than just humidity</a>, like wind), it feels like 10ºF. What it does not take into account is if you forgot your hat, scarf, or gloves (then you are lost, even if you wear UniQlos HeatTech undies) 😉

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My friend Victoria Contreras is a real Renaissance artist, what we would call today a hacker artist: one that explores different media, different methods, different interest, in a bold, almost childishly uninhibited playful way. While the influences are obvious, and not everything is on the same level (as is always the case in those who try it all), this is what I would call “a case of interesting people”. See for yourself.

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Jorge Cortell

My blog in English

Senior Advisor, Health and Life Sciences at Harvard University Innovation Laboratories - Advisor at NLC

Cambridge, MA (USA)