GoogleChromeLabs has released an interesting component to compare two DOM elements: two-up. Let’s try it within the static generator Hugo.
A USB-C multi-adapter kept misbehaving. It seemed to be interference from the laptop’s antenna. So I decided to turn the antenna’s power down. Here’s a little how-to to save you the trouble of hours of a poorly documented process.
There are many things wrong with the concept of “MVP = Minimum Viable Product”. I suggest we change it for “Minimum Valuable Process”
How to fix a problem that spawns over more than two thousand files without spending days with a word processor? CLI to the rescue.
According to CodersRank I’m in the top 10% of coders worldwide (they have ranked over 29,000 computer programmers, or coders"), with a “Senior Rank” and a score of 516… even though I only code in my spare time!
Just like it happened with the operating system, when I migrated from OSX back to GNU-Linux Debian, I have decided to go back to Emacs for most things. from blog posts to programming.
I ḥave a new Dell XPS laptop, so I decided to install Debian 9. Here are some lessons learned: