Although I like more “spiritual” martial arts, I had always wanted to try boxing (one of the few martial arts I had not tried yet). So today I had my first boxing session with Curtis Summit. Who is Curtis? This is his official short bio:

Former professional boxer with 20 years of boxing experience who turned Pro in 1983 after advancing to the 1984 Olympics box off. With 26-9-2 pro records, 14TKOs on the national and international level, ranked No 2 in the world by the World Boxing Council, the World Boxing Association and the International Boxing Federation. The 2 losses were against 2 future World Champions (Verno Phillips, Carl Daniels). He has fought on ESPN, USA, Sports Channel, Pay-per-view and HBO.

Class was predictably extenuating. Curtis is a nice and fun guy, who told me “you hit like a man!” and I dont know if thats good or bad, because there were some women in the gym that were really beating the bags up 🙂

Knuckles bleeding, sore shoulders and legs… will I return? Most likely. This week? I doubt it 😉