There is a lot of debate and analysis on why is the US healthcare system so freakingly expensive (basic answer: greedy inhuman and short sighted powerful economic interest added to puppet politicians and sheepish voters). Here is one real life example: a friend in Atlanta told me that he went to the hospital ER after feeling intense chest pain. He knew it was most likely a strong episode of acid reflux (he had been suffering from that for some time), but it was so severe, he got scared and wanted to check.

After the preliminary doctor`s visit, it seemed to be just acid reflux, but just in case (out fear of malpractice rather than extra care for the patient, as admitted by the doctor), an extensive battery of test was ordered. After those, he was sent home. BUT…

Although he has full insurance (which in this country, as I am finding out, is not at all cheap), he still had to pay a bill of $12,000 (and assumes his insurance has covered around $80,000). WTF!!!!