April 15 we went to my favorite part of the island, the South West, to visit all the little Calas I used to enjoy as a kid.

First Cala Bassa, where I remembered every corner, every water hole, every micro-cave… it’s mostly the same, including the little lizards (“lagartijas”) with the addition of a fancy beach club and some lounge chairs and cabanas. What a joy to be back!

Although the air temperature was great, the water temperature was quite cold (around 17º). That’s why “bathing season” in Ibiza goes from May-June to October. But, just like I did when I was a kid, my daughter did not care about the temperature and jumped right in (pictures not shown for privacy reasons… but believe me, her face shows both the shock of the low temperature and the Cala Bassa ™ happiness). I followed… up to my knees. I guess I’m getting old 🙂

Then we went to the magical and impressively beautiful Cala Comte, famous for the (arguably) most beautiful sunset. People from all over the island come to this beach to clap at the sunset every evening!

Instead of the hip Sunset Ashram, we decided the more upscale (yet understated) sea-side restaurant S’Illa des Bosc. What a surprise! It was exceptionally good cuisine, nice service, and unbeatable setting. I wanted that lunch to last forever (that’s when I secretly decided in my head to return to that place as much as I can with my family in the future… or even live there, even if a few months a year).

With replenished energy, we went to Cala Tarida for another cala, this time much larger and not as amazing.

On the way back to the apartment, we stopped at a little grocery store for some tangerines. My wife went in as I waited in the car as the kids slept. A couple minutes later she rushed out and screamed “Jorge, you have to go in, it’s amazing, they have all kinds of local yummies!”, so she took my place looking after the kids, and I went in to select Flaó, Ensaimada, Orelletes, and Sobrasada (along with the tangerines and oranges). Happy tummy!