November 20th and 21st I went to Asuncion de Paraguay, to speak at the II Healthcare IT Congress and to meet Paraguay’s Minister (Secretary) of Health.
November 19 I went to São Paulo, for a few business meetings.
November 12 and 13 I went to Oslo, invited as speaker at EHiN.
November 5 and 6 I went to Frankfurt for a business meeting and lots of art.
October 25 and 26 I attended a Harvard Medical School Executive Education program titled “Trends in Health Technology” invited by UBS bank. Here are some of my notes from the lectures.
October 24 to 26 I was in Boston invited to a UBS bank event titled: “Trends in Health Technology”, as member of their Network of Industry Leaders - at Harvard Medical School, organized by the Executive Education Department of the university.
October 22 I went to Chicago for an interview for