While maintaining my full-time role at Harvard Innovation Labs, I am delighted to announce my appointment to the Advisory Board of Lysando world leader in antimicrobial protein development.
A fun day at sea, sailing Greg Erman’s Dharma around the Boston Harbor area (and by Aquapalooza) with friends.
I asked my daughter, where do you want to go to this weekend? She said San Francisco, so… there we went!
As my wife had too much work to catch up with, my daughter and I decided to go to New York for a culinary weekend. Let’s see how many times I say “delicious” in this post.
On Sunday we experienced two of the most special things the nearby Somerville has: PorchFest and Mass Hole Donuts.
To celebrate my birthday and my new position at Harvard, I spent a week in Maui, Hawaii, with my girls.
Becca, the managing director of Harvard iLab, was kind enough to invite me to a great event at MIT alongside some very renowned players in the AI space, organized by John Werner.